The Vision Of Grace


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This document was prepared after a dream/vision I had several years ago.  This changed my life forever, and I hope that it will do the same for you.  In my dream, there was a long road, and people were forming two long lines; one to the right and the other to the left of the road.  It was judgment day, and I had initially started to walk on the left side of the road, but then I thought to myself:  “I should be at the right, for those at the right side on judgment day will be saved.”  Realizing that I was walking on the left side, and thus the wrong side of the road, I started to cry and pray for forgiveness.   Then, in a moment of complete and utter desperation, I darted out of the line and shoved my way to the right side of the road, to the line of people who were walking on the right side; for they, I thought, were heading for salvation.  All of a sudden, two white winged Angels, grabbed me by my shoulders, and pulled me out of the line.  I struggled to free myself from the Angels’ grab, but they were way too strong.  I really did not care if they were Angels; I was even ready to fight Angels if it meant my salvation, so I fought to free myself with all my strength, with every drop of energy that was in me, for I was fighting for my life; not this life, but eternal life itself.  I was not going to give it up that easily.  However, all my effort and struggles were in vain.  The Angels pushed me to the left side of the road, and I knew I was going to die.   (Click here for Spanish translation).

The struggle had left me completely exhausted, and there I was on my knees with my forehead touching the floor.  I could not stop crying and begging for forgiveness, but it was too late.  I thought, my God, I know that I was a sinner, but I had asked for forgiveness, and Jesus had washed my sins away.  Why am I here now?  As I was catching my breath and regaining strength, I stood up.  I looked around me, and there were many people around wearing white robes.  I did not know where I was.  There were so many people around me, but none of them would talk to me; they were all looking straight ahead of them at the same direction.  All of a sudden, I heard the sound of a trumpet, and I and everyone around me felt on their knees, even the Angels.  While kneeling down, I managed to raise my head in an effort to see what was happening. At that moment, I was able to catch a sight of a man sitting on a throne and wearing a white shinning robe.  As He sat there, I realized that it was Jesus; his throne was right at the end of the road I had just walked moments before.  I watched in horror for judgment day had come, and for reasons that I still could not completely understand, I had been caught on the wrong side of the road.

Inconsolably awaiting for my eternal damnation, I saw Him raising His right arm, and as though pointing it directly to me, He said “Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me” (Matthew 25:35-36).  Then, I saw everyone around me dancing, singing, and praising His name in exhilarating joy.  I could not believe it, as if a veil had fallen from my eyes, I could see and understand that I had been on the right side of the road all along.  At that very moment, everyone around me disappeared, and I felt someone hugging me, and He whispered to my ears with a very loving voice: “my child, do not worry for you are with me; not matter how hard you tried, I would not let you go for you are of my flock, and none of my sheep was lost.  I know that back there in the road, you tried to go in the wrong way, but my Angels stopped you.  You were trying to attain salvation by following what you thought was the right way, by following a set of rules, regulations and laws, but my ways are not your ways.

Salvation is attained by grace, and not by the law.  I died to set you and your brothers free from the law, so that you and your brothers may live forever.  From this truth, you shall be overjoyed, and you should share this joy with those who do not know me.  That is why I commanded my apostles to go and share the good news with all nations.  But, do not be confused by the teachers of the law and new Pharisees; they call me Lord, Lord, but I do not know them.  As in the days I walked upon the earth, these false teachers load people down with burdens they can hardly carry but will not lift one finger to help them.  They claim to know the way, but they really do not know it. I am the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.  I am Love. No one comes to the Father except through Love.”

After the dream, I felt compelled to come up with this drawing (see below), which shows the connection between Body, Mind, and Soul, for a picture is worth a thousand words.  Because I am not very good at drawing, I used Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man as an initial template, and I built upon it.

The Vitruvian Man represents humanity, i.e. each one of us, males or females.  As the Bible teaches us, we were made in the image of God, and as Christians, we believe that God is three distinct Persons, but One True God.  Since we were made in His image, we must also follow a similar pattern.  In our case, as Mathew hinted us in Mat 22:37, our hearts, souls, and minds form a complete human being, our whole being.  Mathew basically tells us that we must love God with our whole being, i.e. our heart, our soul, and our mind.  Our heart represents our flesh, or Body, and it is equivalent to Jesus since He became flesh and made His dwelling among us (John 1:14).  Our Soul is the spiritual part of our being, and is equivalent to the Holy Spirit.  Our Mind is the driving energy or force behind everything we do, and it is equivalent to the Father.  Just like the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are One, and are in perfect harmony, we must also be one and be in perfect harmony.  We were initially in this perfect harmony, but sin destroyed it.  However, it is trough Jesus, who is Love incarnate, that this original perfect harmony can be restored.  Remember, Jesus is Love; Jesus is the Way; thus, Love is the Way (A=B; A=C; thus B=C).  It is through Love (Jesus) that harmony within ourselves is restored and we become whole once again.  It is only through Love (Jesus) that humanity has been restored to its original pristine state.  When this original harmony is restored in us, our Minds, Bodies, and Souls become whole once again.  This is represented by the three small circles inside the bigger circle originally drawn by Leonardo.  Notice that in perfect harmony, the intersection of these three circles form an area where God is at the center.  This means that God must be at the center of our lives for this perfect harmony to occur.

In perfect harmony, our minds and our bodies yield the maximum amount of good fruits (Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control), and this is represented by the intersection of the Mind and Body circles.  Similarly, in perfect harmony, our minds are constantly learning God’s will for our lives; this is represented by the intersection of the Mind and Soul circles.  Also in perfect harmony, our Bodies become perfect temples of God, and this is represented by the intersection of the Body and Soul circles.  Outside the intersection area of these three circles, but still inside of at least one of the circles, there are things that help us build our Minds, Bodies, and Souls (this list is not complete, however).  To the right of the Vitruvian Man (who represents every one of us, humanity), just like in my dream, are warnings that we must pay attention to, to avoid losing the Way.  Just because we might preach the word of God, prophesy, drive out demons, or even perform many miracles in His name, it does not mean that He will know us, or that these acts will make us worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven; only Love makes us worthy to enter the kingdom of heaven.  Also, to the right are hints to help us identify false prophets.  Do not be deceived by them for by their fruit you shall know them.  Now, to the left of the Vitruvian Man is the key to salvation.  Here we learn that God must be at the center of our lives, that it is by His grace (free gift of God to humankind) that we are saved, and that as a response to His grace, Love should emanate from within our hearts to our neighbors (all human beings).  Finally, John 3:16 sums it all up: “For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”  A final warning: this drawing and all that it contains shall not be considered perfect doctrine for “Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love” (1 Cor. 13: 12-13).

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