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Dear Teacher,

This is Mario’s dad. I have been contacted by at least 6 of Mario’s teachers concerned about his poor school performance and behavior. This prompted me to write this email to inform you and to request your help about a very serious problem with my son. My son is the victim of a form of child abuse known as Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Please see https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/co-parenting-after-divorce/201304/the-impact-parental-alienation-children for more information. You can learn more about my son’s plight at this website: www.SayNoToPAS.com. The website basically describes how my son went from being an A/B student and being among the best students in his class, https://saynotopas.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/My-son-Student-of-the-month-award.jpg, while in my equal shared custody to his current state of affairs; how the personal vendetta of a mother, and the conspiracy of some state agents and attorneys under the color of law have deprived my children of a loving father, causing in them the negative effects of what experts describe as a fatherless generation: https://familyalliancefoundation.wildapricot.org/Fatherhood-Project.
My son to this day believes that I hate him and his sister, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFlgcp3Gkg0&feature=youtu.be, when this could not be any further from the truth. But, one day he and his sister will know the truth that their father loves them and has done all in his power to be with them, and that I will never give up on them.

By now you have also probably seen on TV or read in the newspaper how up to this day, April 3, 2015, over 534 children have perished under the care of DCF, http://pubsys.miamiherald.com/projects/2014/innocents-lost/database/, but what you may not know is how this is related to my son’s plight.  Unfortunately, these deaths and my son’s developmental deterioration are caused by the malicious behavior and/or complete incompetence of some DCF agents, and other players in our Family Courts, who have sold our children’s soul and well-being to the god of money. For this reason, I have filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against DCF and others involved in the mental abuse of my children: https://saynotopas.com/lawsuit/.  I have also testified before the Florida Supreme Court about this problem, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2orUOt1Mcbg, making some common sense recommendations: https://saynotopas.com/5-minute-speech-before-florida-supreme-court-committee-public-meeting-on-future-of-florida-courts/.

So I would like to requests your help raising awareness of this problem. As statistic show, https://thefatherlessgeneration.wordpress.com/statistics/, and you have probably experienced yourself with other students, countless of children are suffering as silent victims of this scourge:

63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average.

90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.

85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.  (Center for Disease Control)

80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average.  (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)

71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.  (National Principals Association Report)

Thanks in advance for your help and understanding of this complex issue. Please, feel free to contact me via email, marioaj01@yahoo.com, or phone, 786-253-8158. May God bless you and your family.


Mario Jimenez Jerez, M.D.

Some of the most recent comments made by Mario’s teacher:

10 Needs improvement in classroom behavior. Necesita mejorar la conducta en la clase.
14 Fails to complete required assignments. No termina los deberes que se le asignan.
20 Working below proficiency level as measured by benchmark testing. Trabajando por debajo del nivel de grado de acuerdo a pruebas academicas.
45 Low academic performance could cause retention in this grade. Su bajo aprovechamiento pudiera causar que se le retenga en este grado.

Please, help us stop Parental Alienation Syndrome: [wp-stripe]


  4 Responses to “Teacher”

  1. […] (https://saynotopas.com/teacher/)   Dear Teacher,   This is Mario’s dad. I have been contacted by at least 6 of Mario’s teachers concerned about his poor school performance and behavior. This prompted me to write this email to inform you and to request your help about a very serious problem with my son. My son is the victim of a form of child abuse known as Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Please see https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/co-parenting-after-divorce/201304/the-impact-parental-alienation-children for more information. You can learn more about my son’s plight at this website: www.SayNoToPAS.com. The website basically describes how my son went from being an A/B student and being among the best students in his class, https://saynotopas.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/My-son-Student-of-the-month-award.jpg, while in my equal shared custody to his current state of affairs; how the personal vendetta of a mother, and the conspiracy of some state agents and attorneys under the color of law have deprived my children of a loving father, causing in them the negative effects of what experts describe as a fatherless generation: https://familyalliancefoundation.wildapricot.org/Fatherhood-Project. My son to this day believes that I hate him and his sister, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFlgcp3Gkg0&feature=youtu.be, when this could not be any further from the truth. But, one day he and his sister will know the truth that their father loves them and has done all in his power to be with them, and that I will never give up on them.   By now you have also probably seen on TV or read in the newspaper how up to this day, April 3, 2015, over 534 children have perished under the care of DCF, http://pubsys.miamiherald.com/projects/2014/innocents-lost/database/, but what you may not know is how this is related to my son’s plight.  Unfortunately, these deaths and my son’s developmental deterioration are caused by the malicious behavior and/or complete incompetence of some DCF agents, and other players in our Family Courts, who have sold our children’s soul and well-being to the god of money. For this reason, I have filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against DCF and others involved in the mental abuse of my children: https://saynotopas.com/lawsuit/.  I have also testified before the Florida Supreme Court about this problem, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2orUOt1Mcbg, making some common sense recommendations: https://saynotopas.com/5-minute-speech-before-florida-supreme-court-committee-public-meeting-on-future-of-florida-courts/.   So I would like to requests your help raising awareness of this problem. As statistic show, https://thefatherlessgeneration.wordpress.com/statistics/, and you have probably experienced yourself with other students, countless of children are suffering as silent victims of this scourge: 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average. 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.  (Center for Disease Control) 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average.  (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26) 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.  (National Principals Association Report) Thanks in advance for your help and understanding of this complex issue. Please, feel free to contact me via email, marioaj01@yahoo.com, or phone, 786-253-8158. May God bless you and your family.   Mario Jimenez Jerez, M.D.   Some of the most recent comments made by Mario’s teacher: […]

  2. […] (https://saynotopas.com/teacher/)   Dear Teacher,   This is Mario’s dad. I have been contacted by at least 6 of Mario’s teachers concerned about his poor school performance and behavior. This prompted me to write this email to inform you and to request your help about a very serious problem with my son. My son is the victim of a form of child abuse known as Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS). Please see https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/co-parenting-after-divorce/201304/the-impact-parental-alienation-children for more information. You can learn more about my son’s plight at this website: www.SayNoToPAS.com. The website basically describes how my son went from being an A/B student and being among the best students in his class, https://saynotopas.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/My-son-Student-of-the-month-award.jpg, while in my equal shared custody to his current state of affairs; how the personal vendetta of a mother, and the conspiracy of some state agents and attorneys under the color of law have deprived my children of a loving father, causing in them the negative effects of what experts describe as a fatherless generation: https://familyalliancefoundation.wildapricot.org/Fatherhood-Project. My son to this day believes that I hate him and his sister, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFlgcp3Gkg0&feature=youtu.be, when this could not be any further from the truth. But, one day he and his sister will know the truth that their father loves them and has done all in his power to be with them, and that I will never give up on them.   By now you have also probably seen on TV or read in the newspaper how up to this day, April 3, 2015, over 534 children have perished under the care of DCF, http://pubsys.miamiherald.com/projects/2014/innocents-lost/database/, but what you may not know is how this is related to my son’s plight.  Unfortunately, these deaths and my son’s developmental deterioration are caused by the malicious behavior and/or complete incompetence of some DCF agents, and other players in our Family Courts, who have sold our children’s soul and well-being to the god of money. For this reason, I have filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against DCF and others involved in the mental abuse of my children: https://saynotopas.com/lawsuit/.  I have also testified before the Florida Supreme Court about this problem, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2orUOt1Mcbg, making some common sense recommendations: https://saynotopas.com/5-minute-speech-before-florida-supreme-court-committee-public-meeting-on-future-of-florida-courts/.   So I would like to requests your help raising awareness of this problem. As statistic show, https://thefatherlessgeneration.wordpress.com/statistics/, and you have probably experienced yourself with other students, countless of children are suffering as silent victims of this scourge: 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (US Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average. 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.  (Center for Disease Control) 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average.  (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26) 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.  (National Principals Association Report) Thanks in advance for your help and understanding of this complex issue. Please, feel free to contact me via email, marioaj01@yahoo.com, or phone, 786-253-8158. May God bless you and your family.   Mario Jimenez Jerez, M.D.   Some of the most recent comments made by Mario’s teacher: […]

  3. […] Dear All, We are having a community event in honor Parental Alienation Awareness Day (www.SayNoToPAS.com). We need to unite to protect our children and families. This is a silent crisis that we need to stop. Please call or email Karen Rowland  to make reservations.   4385 NW 88 Ave Sunrise. Gigis music cafe.  So far we have 30 confirmations but that does not includes spouses and children . Gigis holds 80 people. Some gruesome statistics caused by PAS: https://saynotopas.com/teacher/ […]