Reasons For Sharing My Story


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I believe that with God’s grace, we can defeat all enemies and conquer all obstacles. What follows is not meant to condemn but to convict those involved and cause them to repent (Metanoia, to change one’s mind) and be saved by the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Not to long ago, while I was praying, I ask God why I was going through such a horrible experience with PAS, and He reminded me of a vision I had 10 years ago. Then, I heard the Holy Spirit tell me, “I want you to understand first hand what the evil one is doing to my children. Satan has alienated my children by making them believe that I do not love them, that I am mad and I do not care for them, when this could not be any further from the truth.  For I so loved the world that I gave my only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).  The lie your two children believe is the same lie the evil one is using against my children. Your job is to let them know that I love them!” Now, because God has forgiven me, I have also forgiven all those who have hurt me, and my children and release them from condemnation, in Jesus’ name. If after reading my testimony, you wonder how in the world I have been able to deal with so much stress in my life, and have actually thrived in the middle of it, take a look at my secret: The solution to Stress from a Medico-Biblical Perspective: Entering Into God’s Rest, For as Jesus Is, So Are We On This World (bilingual version).

To make a long story short, while attending medical school in Nicaragua, my ex-wife absconded for two years with my two kids (Mario was 7 y/o and Nicole was 4 y/o at that time), with the intervention of the American Embassy, the U.S.A. State Department, Miami-Dade police investigators, and even the FBI, I was able to recover them and restore shared custody of my kids.  For about a year, my whole family and I worked very hard to reintegrate them to our lives.  I also immediately recruited the help of a licensed children’s psychologist for intensive weekly therapies, and my children adapted well to their new environment. My Son, Mario, for instance, went from failing third grade and scoring in the lowest quartile in his FCAT to becoming an A/B student, scoring in the top quartile in the FCAT, and being given the honor of student of the month (one of the proudest moments of his and my life).

Next Page: The False Accusations

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“Fear not, for you will not be ashamed;be not confounded, for you will not be disgraced…” (Isaiah 54:4).

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