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“Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?” Isaiah 58:6

As in the Old Testament, God is calling all Christians to break the bonds of wickedness and every yoke. God is not satisfied in our sacrifices but in our hearts, in our desire and actions to care for each other. As a child of God, when God allows us to see and experience any evil, it is not because He is mad at us (because He already took His anger in the body of Christ, the Lamb of God), but because He knows that He can count on us to fight this evil. Isaiah 58 tells us that God is not pleased in our fasting (in other translations in fasting and prayers) but in our desire to get rid of injustice and evil from this world.

In my case, I had the privilege to experience a very prevalent evil that is destroying children and families in our cities, and wants me and you to work to replace this evil with good, to be His hands and feet to help bring His Kingdom and will to this world in this area of life. I invite you to join me in this fight. Prayers and fasting in this area are appreciated, but according to God, are not enough. So, if God is asking you to help me, and I believe He is, ask Him how He wants you to work in this area.

The evil I am facing is with the existing corruption/incompetence in the Miami-Dade Family Court system, the same one that in great part is responsible for the suffering and death of many children in the State of Florida, including a child named Nubia Barahona, who died at the hands of her foster parents in great part as a consequence of a corrupt/incompetent system.

In my case, the same psychologist, Mrs. Vanessa Archer, who said Jorge Barahona, the man who killed Nubia and tortured her brother, was fit to be a foster parent “ignoring information presented by Nubia’s principal or teacher…[recommending against clear evidence to the contrary that] Finalizing their adoption … [was] clearly in their best interest and should be allowed to proceed with no further delay“, is the same incompetent psychologist, httpp://, that hid and manipulated evidence in my case, and questioned my parental abilities due to my Christian values for having prayed the Armor of God of Ephesians 6:11-18 with my children, while 3 corrupt/incompetent judges in the 11th circuit Family Court selectively enforced the Law, ignored the facts of this case, and made decisions in favor of their attorney friends.

One of these Judges, probably the most corrupt/incompetent of all of them, Pedro Echarte went as far as refusing to read the final report from the Department of Children and Families (DCF) on the ridiculous grounds that it had been dome one day prior to him giving the order to do so, but he had taken away the custody of my children from me solely on allegations made to DCF ( 4 different ones up to that point). He then went ahead an order the evaluation with the clearly Anti-Christian, incompetent Vanessa Archer, knowing fully well the disaster she had caused in the Barahona case.

But they did not count on one thing, that as children of God, we have the perseverance of Job, the courage of David, and in the end we will be victorious like Joseph. It’s only a matter of time before victory is manifested in this world for greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world.

As one of my heroes, Mother Teresa, once said: “[We are] not called to be successful, [we are] called to be faithful.”

Sensing that in a different city Jorge Barahona might actually have to pay for his crimes, he is now desperately asking to have his case moved to the Miami-Dade County court system. I know first hand why this guy is asking to have his case moved here. It is time we start voting for better judges or we will continue to see these crimes increased, and these criminals go unpunished.

Your help for Family Unity will be greatly appreciated: [wp-stripe]

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