Letter to Katherine Fernandez Rundle
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November 17, 2014
Honorable Katherine Fernandez Rundle
1350 N.W. 12 Avenue Miami, FL 33136-2111
Dear Mrs. Fernandez Rundle,
I was referred to you by the offices of Honorable Attorney General Pam Bondi. Please see attached letter for your reference.
As stated in previous communications with State Attorney’s office (1), the governor’s office, and Honorable Senators Marco Rubio (2) and Bill Nelson (3), I believe that crimes have been committed against the people of Florida, which I feel compel to report to your office, and that I believe merit your office’s investigation. Some of these crimes have been committed, either knowingly or unknowingly, with the help of judges in direct violation of the constitution of the United State, and I believe that the Judicial Qualifications Commissions (JQC) has not responded appropriately on behalf of the best interest of the citizens of Florida (4) (5).
The blood of Nubia Barahona, the physical and psychological abuse of her brother, Victor Barahona, her two foster siblings, and the psychological abuses of my two children are intrinsically connected to the crimes I am reporting. Some of the same individuals, namely a psychologist, Vanessa Archer, who in great part, according to “The Nubia Report,” may have been responsible for the death and torture of these children (6), I believe is also responsible, at least in part, for the psychological deterioration of my children, especially my oldest son. My request to investigate Mrs. Archer’s unprofessional practices, and to judges involved to remove her from my case (7) have been incomprehensibly ignored. Not only that, but instead of being reprimanded and corrected for her unprofessionalism in the case of Nubia Barahona and mine, I have been forced to pay up to $1,800 dollars in repeated psychological evaluations to this individual. Despite plenty of public evidence as to this psychologist’s poor professional practices (8), Mrs. Archer was actually promoted to evaluate cases such as mine in Family Court, something that has brought terrible consequences to my whole family (9), and that I believe may continue to hurt other children and families in our state.
I am a born-again Christian man, actively involved in serving our community from being a Sunday school teacher to serving as vice-president of my homeowners association, who believes in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit, and who teaches his children the same. However, my children have been removed from my shared equal custody and I have not been able to freely see them since July 20th of 2012, all because I prayed with them, and mentioned the word Holy Spirit in my prayer. Despite DCF clearing me of any wrong doing, justice for my children and my family has not been served. Please see DCF case # 2012-13013, which was the 4th false DCF accusation against me (others DCF accusation of which I was also cleared included cases #2011-078791-01, 2011-1907766-01, and 2012-223661-01).
After careful analysis of the individuals involved, and the series of events that have transpired, I am strongly persuaded that we are dealing with a very sophisticated form of racketeering, where “the potential problem may be caused by the same party that offers to solve it, although that fact may be concealed, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage for this party (10).”
As a physician, as obliged by my Hippocratic Oath, I cannot, in good conscience, allow the crimes against children I have been allowed to personally witness and experience, to go on without attempting to the best of my abilities to stop them. It is for this reason, that I plea to your office to open an investigation of Mrs. Vanessa Archer, and others involved, included but not limited to opposite counsel attorneys, Ana C. Morales, and Yvette B. Reyes. These individuals have not only acted in bad faith from day one, but have been in great part responsible for the psychological detriment of my oldest son. Please, see details here www.SayNoToPAS.com. This case is not only about blatant violations of the constitution of the United States, but about physical and psychological child abuse cases, such as Nubia’s, that have continued and will continue, unless we take deliberate actions to prevent them.
As per the Constitution of the State of Florida, “The State Attorney is required to represent the State of Florida in the prosecution of all criminal cases arising out of their respective circuits (F.S. 27.02). A criminal case may be generated by several different events… including…the general public.” And, “The State Attorney receives assignments to investigate and prosecute cases outside his circuit when the governor’s office orders an assignment” (11). It is for this reason that I am officially requesting the Governor and your office to conduct an investigation to protect the public interest of the citizens of this state. After your investigation, I would like to request a written response from your office as to whether or not you believe Mrs. Vanessa Archer and others involved in these cases have committed (a) crime(s) against the people of Florida, and if the children they are supposed to protect, will actually be protected under their care.
In the Spirit of, and as direct descendant of some of the founders of democracy in the Americas (12), I feel a very strong sense of duty defending our democratic values and way of life. Because of the efforts and sacrifices of our forefathers, we have been greatly blessed, and as Benjamin Franklin reminds us, democracy must be learned and defended by every generation for “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” –Ronald Reagan. It is for this reason that I hereby pledge to protect and defend democracy, and the best interest and freedoms of the people of Florida, and the United States. I would like to thank you in advance for your positive response in protecting the children and citizens of our beautiful state. I praise God for the blessing of suffering for His name, and for giving me the opportunity to be a light in the darkness of this world. May the Grace of God in Christ Jesus be always with you and your family.
Mario A. Jiménez, M.D., B.S.E.E.
5700 SW 127 Ave. #1316
Miami, Fl 33183
Honorable Senators Marco Rubio, and Bill Nelson.
Honorable Florida Governor Rick Scott.
Honorable Attorney General Pam Bondi.
Florida Senators Anitere Flores, and Rene Garcia.
Newly elected U.S. Congressman Carlos Curbelo.