Free From The Curse Of Poverty


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The Old testament teaches us that it is God’s will that no poor be among us (under the old covenant among Israel, under the new covenant, brothers and sisters in Christ living under the covenant of Grace). This could not be accomplished in the old testament because of our disobedience, but it is absolutely possible under the covenant of Grace because of Jesus’ obedience. The more we learn what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross, the more we behold Him and His obedience, the more we are being transformed into His image and His obedience, thus being able to accomplish what could not be accomplish through the Law. But,  this requires a change of heart,  beginning with pastors and leadership in the church. We tend to believe that people are poor because of the curse, but we must change this belief with the revelation of God’s unmerrited favor towards us.

“4 But there will be no poor among you; for the Lord will bless you in the land that the Lord your God is giving you for an inheritance to possess— 5 if only you will strictly obey the voice of the Lord your God, being careful to do all this commandment that I command you today. 6 For the Lord your God will bless you, as he promised you, and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow, and you shall rule over many nations, but they shall not rule over you.” (Deuteronomy 15: 4-6).

“4 De esta manera no habrá pobres entre ustedes, pues el Señor tu Dios te bendecirá en el país que él te va a dar como herencia, 5 siempre y cuando le obedezcas y pongas en práctica todos estos mandamientos que yo te he dado hoy. 6 Sí, el Señor tu Dios te bendecirá, tal como te lo ha prometido, y tendrás para prestar a muchas naciones, pero tú no tendrás que pedir prestado; dominarás a muchas naciones, pero ellas no te dominarán a ti.” (Deuteronomio 15: 4-6).

“18 So now the righteous requirements necessary for life are met for everyone through the righteous act of one person, just as judgment fell on everyone through the failure of one person. 19 Many people were made righteous through the obedience of one person, just as many people were made sinners through the disobedience of one person. 20 The Law stepped in to amplify the failure, but where sin increased, grace multiplied even more. 21 The result is that grace will rule through God’s righteousness, leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, just as sin ruled in death.” (Romans 5: 18-21).

“18 Así pues, tal como por una transgresión resultó la condenación de todos los hombres, así también por un acto de justicia resultó la justificación de vida para todos los hombres.19 Porque así como por la desobediencia de un hombre los muchos fueron constituidos pecadores, así también por la obediencia de uno los muchos serán constituidos justos. 20 Y la ley se introdujo para que abundara la transgresión, pero donde el pecado abundó, sobreabundó la gracia, 21 para que así como el pecado reinó en la muerte, así también la gracia reine por medio de la justicia para vida eterna, mediante Jesucristo nuestro Señor.” (Romanos 18: 18-21).