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Having dealt with the shameless corruption of attorneys, I completely agree with Attorney Jon Shudlick’s scathing address to the American Bar Association
The following is the text of a speech given by Jon Larsen Shudlick, an attorney from Boynton Beach, Florida, before the American Bar Association in Washington on December 12, 1992. Shudlick announced his resignation from the bar association, and stated his reasons. By Jon Larsen Shudlick
“You have given me, among several others, the opportunity to have 10 minutes to speak to the American Bar Association. I should thank you for the opportunity, but, if you ignore what I have to say, I will have wasted my time and funds coming here. However, even should you ignore what I have to say, which is what I expect, I do not plan to request another opportunity to speak to you. The reason being that I am hereby as an American citizen saying “farewell” to the American Bar Association.
You might think that means that I am about to move to another country or go into retirement, but that is not the case. I am saying “farewell” to an organization I believe will someday become as extinct as the dinosaur. I say this out of the belief that every attempt at serious reform your group has made has been one that has been cosmetic at best.
You were given the opportunity to repair the damage done society through the personal injury system several years a go, and you came up with “tort reform” that included various features all of which increased your bureaucratic control on injury victims, insurance companies and vastly increased your profits.
Reforms in the criminal law system have only seen the procedures simplified which inject hordes of criminals back into society before the ink on their arrest warrants has even dried. It is for this reason that I am saying “goodbye” to you. You are the next dinosaur.
I believe the day is coming when your monopoly on law in America will be broken. Instead of coming to a lawyer to draw a will, we will just walk up to a renovated Register of Wills office, ask for the proper form, fill it out in front of a video camera, pay the fee and file it in the office along with the videotape which will prove competency as a matter of fact.
No more will you and your word processors be able to charge people vast amounts to complicate and delay the transfer of their estates on their death. No more will you be able to profit by encouraging litigation to contest validly drawn wills. Titles to real and personal property will go directly to heirs upon proof of death. In short, the parasitic role lawyers have carved for themselves over the centuries preying upon decedents’ estates will be over.
Those of you who have made a living seeing that criminals are better treated in America than I am should also start looking for new work. For example, in return for what you have done to the land by making it a lengthy and expensive ordeal for society to put away criminals, you are someday going to face unemployment.
We are going to redo the criminal justice system from top to bottom one day. A call to the police is going to result in the arrival of a squad car plus the arrival of an evidence van from a separate branch of the police. The complaint and the resulting arrests will be on videotapes and so will all stories from witnesses. They will be interrogated by the finest law enforcement officials in the land, and those tapes will be shown to a jury in the presence of the defendant within three weeks of every crime.
Should there be questions, live testimony will be taken from the proper witnesses, but never again will lawyers be allowed to meet in private with witnesses and do like you have done for centuries — arrange for people to lie under oath without the slightest twinge of conscience. You call it euphemistically “sandpapering witnesses,” but it is suborning perjury nevertheless.
Some of you have psychologists and psychiatrists whom you have made rich by arranging for them to testify that certain defendants cannot be held responsible for their actions because of mental deficiencies. We will someday drive these soothsayers out of business as well, and never again will criminal acts be judged by the likes of these 20th-century sophists.
They have made millions with your help, lying about your clients, and they have unleashed a vast wave of irresponsibility on the land, also with your help. So you might want to start looking for work for them and with them because you are both going to need to get into honest work one of these days.
There will be courtrooms, but truth will prevail. Anyone who commits perjury or suborns perjury will get the ancient penalty.
If they lie in a murder case, they get the same penalty as the murderer. If they set up an innocent man, they get the same penalty for their perjury and deceit that the innocent man would have gotten if wrongfully convicted of the false charge.
I can see you really squirming out there because many of you have committed horrendous crimes against your innocent countrymen.
You are tallying up how many life sentences you would have earned under such a system.
There will be law schools as well, but justice will be taught. Instead of turning young leaders into the deceitful, gold-digging type which law schools have made of you, they will be transformed into individuals who serve only the needs of justice. They will be selected only from men who have already proven before law school or judge’s school that they are men with a passion for justice.
There is hardly a man on the bench today who will be acceptable to those who someday pick the new type of judge and lawyer.
When it comes to lawsuits over torts or divorce or contracts or property rights, almost all disputes will be subject to rapid determination in courts of conciliation. Arbitration will be the key manner of disposing of most litigation. It will be rapid, just and inexpensive. No rewards will be given to the chronic litigators, who will have to pay increasing costs to enter the system after a series of clear losses showing the individual to be a social crank rather than a genuinely aggrieved citizen.
I have read in the past few months that litigation has almost become the largest, if not the largest, industry in the United States. In short, we are totally wrapped up in suing each other and in committing crimes against one another. Because of the system you devised in drafting the laws, in enacting them, in enforcing them and in interpreting them, you are a monopoly that benefits mightily from all this social and economic turmoil.
You’re the core of the problem. You are enablers and allies of an increasingly hostile and criminal governmental system, and when the people have had enough of you and them, you will all be swept away and disappear like the dinosaur.
You fill your pockets with blood money as you send to “debtor’s prison” those hard-pressed middle-income men, veterans, and solid-citizens of all walks of life who now must support two families on a diminishing income.
When those downtrodden men are led away, shackled and beaten, you smile in your wickedness and deceit as you proclaim “the judge did it.” Yet by your tacit approval of this criminal “Just Us” system, you have become the defilers of wisdom, destroyers of the spirit and fornicators of the truth. Surely you will be swept away and disappear like the dinosaur.
We honest taxpaying citizens demand the adversary relationship in family law (divorce court) be changed to a mediation mandatory conclusion. Otherwise, your children and heirs will end up spitting on your graves for the living hell you will have left them. Yes, you will be swept away and disappear like the dinosaur.
My 10 minutes are up. You surely have more time than that during which to plunder America and Americans. But mark my words well, because time is running short. You will need every available moment to find cover in order to survive what is coming upon this land.”